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Interior inspiration

Create an inviting space for yourself and family

Pomona Branch

Bay 2, Pomona Commercial Centre, Cnr Harare Drive, & Alpes Rd, Harare, Zimbabwe

Store 1 Bay 2, Pomona Commercial Centre,
Cnr Harare Drive, & Alpes Rd, Harare, Zimbabwe
Call us T 0242 852850/1
C +263 772 158325
E [email protected]
Working hours Mon - Fri8.30am - 4.30pm
Sat 8.30am - 1pm
Sun Closed

Harare CBD Branch

42 Nelson Mandela Avenue, corner Angwa Street Harare, Zimbabwe

Store 2 42 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Corner Angwa Street,
Harare, Zimbabwe
Call us T 0242 753417/18/20
C +263 783 198734
E [email protected]
Working hours Mon - Fri8.30am - 4.30pm
Sat 8.30am - 1pm
Sun Closed


Furnishing Your Home
We can assist if you are abroad and would like to furnish a home in Zimbabwe
Free Delivery
We offer free delivery within Harare
Excellent Customer Service
Customer satisfaction is our priority
VIP Treatment
Everyone is a VIP who enters our stores